An outstanding opportunity for Delaware County high school sophomores to meet and work with local business, government community and media leaders.
Proudly Sponsored by:

The Delaware County Workforce Investment Board, Youth Council and The Foundation of the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce, are proud to sponsor the Youth Leadership Academy for Delaware County high school sophomores. This program will provide an outstanding opportunity for area 10th graders to meet and work with local business, government community and media leaders.
Our goal is to celebrate student achievement and the power of leadership, as well as to encourage Delaware County high school sophomores to become better prepared to take on future leadership opportunities. Our future depends so much on the next generation of individuals who are willing to accept the challenge.
Throughout the Academy, interactive sessions will address a variety of topics, including Business Leadership, Working with the Media, Government/Political, and Non-Profit Leadership.

Applications Due Monday, March 5, 2018.
Youth Leadership Academy Participant Benefits:
- Students can add Youth Leadership Academy to your resume, and to college applications for scholarships and special awards.
- Students build professional relationships through networking with business, industry, government, academic and social service leaders.
- Students build personal portfolios of team projects and presentations for future job and college applications.
In addition, students examine contingency approaches to leadership, leading in crisis, cognitive and emotive aspects of leadership, ethics and morality, follower ship, organizational design, and leading through change.
Students interested in applying for the Youth Leadership Academy (YLA) must meet the following criteria:
- Delaware County resident
- Currently enrolled in the 10th grade
- Good academic standing
- Involved in extracurricular activities
- Demonstrated Leadership abilities

2018 YLA Schedule held at Neumann University:
Monday, April 23 - 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Tuesday, April 24 - 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Wednesday, April 26 - 8:00 AM
Parent reception with Student Presentations at 6:00 p.m.
Read more about the accomplishments of our current and former Academy Graduates in the Delaware County Regional News, the Chamber's quarterly business magazine distributed to over 5,000 businesses across the County. Organizations interested may inquire about sponsorship of this program by contacting the Chamber at 610-565-3677.
Applications Due Monday, March 5, 2018.