Small Businesses
Small business is BIG business in Delaware County

74% of the businesses in Delaware County have fewer than 10 employees. 17% have between 10 and 100 employees. Small businesses drive Delaware County's economy.
The world of small business is constantly changing. Stay on top of the latest trends and improve your business with the Chamber.
If your small business needs support, the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce is a resource for you. The Chamber offers support in the form of education, networking, lead generation, affordable and effective advertising outreach, promotional opportunities, advocacy, and consultations in a pro-business environment.
Small businesses looking for funding sources, state and federal contracts, technology upgrades and business growth in the county can join the Chamber for these resources and more. Our partnerships with the Widener SBDC, SCORE and Delaware County Community College provide small businesses a variety of relevant programs designed for your needs.
Looking for relationships with vendors that offer discounts? Member-to-Member discounts and Member benefits offer advantages that can offset the cost of Membership.
Business Owners Group
(Formerly known as, Small Business Committee)
Your Chamber Membership includes an opportunity to be a part of the Business Owners Group. As a member of the committee, you benefit by developing strong relationships with like-minded business leaders while having input on creating the programs for members like you. Committee members have a unique venue to vet ideas, share successes, air concerns and questions with other small businesses in our area.
With input from the small business membership, the committee indentifies the programming. The programs identified by the committee are often presented by Chamber members as a sole presenter or as part of a panel. Contact us for more information on joining the Business Owners Group.

View the upcoming events calendar for more information our Small Business series of quarterly programs.
Visit these links for more information on Small Business Support:
Official website of the U.S. Small Business Administration
U. S. Small Business Administration Facebook
Pennsylvania Small Business Development Center
American Express Open Forum
Business USA